When I was last active on HF, in 2003, I hadn’t experienced
the transient pleasures of a strong 10m opening. The solar cycle was way down
on the current crescendo.
For the second day running, I’ve been receiving strong,
clear, frequency modulated signals from far afield that sound as if they’re
just down the road. Using my FT-817 (5W) and a small Miracle Whip antenna I had
a fantastic QSO into Greece. Only a little QSB here and there presented any
challenge. I tuned lower in the band to hear a W2 station calling CQ using AM –
well I just had to try! I’m actually quite staggered he heard my signal, but
obviously not strong enough to discriminate any speech. That would have been
expecting too much.
Today on 29.620 the New York repeater, KQ2H, was booming in at
5/9+, of course. European stations a few hundred miles or less apart, were
talking to each other via a lengthy transatlantic trip. The FM capture effect
ensured that my QRP signal wasn’t fully heard, though I suspect I accessed the
repeater more than once.
I’ll look forward to a little more 10m FM while it lasts. Congratulations
if you’ve enjoyed a DX ‘armchair copy’ this week.